Our Flow Assurance services offers essential support for ensuring the efficient and reliable transportation of your hydrocarbons from reservoirs to processing facilities. This is critical in preventing issues such as blockages, hydrate formation, and wax deposition, which can disrupt production and lead to significant operational and financial losses. Here are some of the key areas and services we offer to support oil and gas flow assurance operations/teams:

  1. Hydrate Management:

    • Assessments of the hydrate risk in the production and transportation systems.
    • Recommendations and strategies to prevent and manage hydrate formation, such as thermodynamic modeling and chemical inhibition.
  2. Wax and Paraffin Control:

    • Analysis of the potential for wax and paraffin deposition in the pipelines.
    • Development of strategies for controlling and mitigating wax-related issues, including the use of chemical inhibitors and mechanical pigging.
  3. Pipeline and Facility Design:

    • Expertise in the design and engineering of pipelines and facilities to ensure flow assurance.
    • Consideration of factors like fluid properties, temperature, pressure, and flow rates to prevent flow disruptions.
  4. Flow Assurance Modeling:

    • Advanced modeling and simulation tools to predict and analyze the behavior of hydrocarbon fluids under various conditions.
    • Identification of potential flow assurance challenges and evaluate mitigation strategies.


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Other Flow Assurance Support:


  1. Chemical Treatment Programs:

    • Design and implement chemical treatment programs to prevent corrosion, scale formation, and other flow assurance issues.
    • Development and optimization of chemical injection strategies.
  2. Operational Monitoring and Control:

    • Implementation of real-time monitoring and control systems to track the condition of pipelines and facilities.
    • Remote monitoring and control services to optimize operations.
  3. Pigging Operations:

    • Development of pigging strategies to remove deposits and obstructions in pipelines.
    • Execution of pigging campaigns to ensure the integrity of the transportation system.
  4. Risk Assessment and Contingency Planning:

    • Risk assessments to identify potential flow assurance challenges and their consequences.
    • Development of contingency plans and response strategies for addressing unexpected issues.
  5. Training and Knowledge Transfer:

    • Training programs and workshops to enhance the skills and knowledge of client personnel.
    • Ensuring that operations and maintenance staff are well-prepared to manage flow assurance effectively.
  6. Cost Optimization:

    • Development of cost-effective solutions for flow assurance operations, including strategies to reduce chemical consumption and operational expenses.


Our team of experts are vital for maintaining the integrity and reliability of hydrocarbon transportation systems. By ensuring the uninterrupted flow of oil and gas from reservoirs to processing facilities, we help in minimizing operational disruptions and maximizing profitability. Additionally, we can contribute to improve your safety and environmental responsibility goals.


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